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Liebster Award #2 & #3

The Liebster Awards are rewarded to bloggers, from other bloggers with less than 200 followers. When you are nominated, you then nominate 5-11 other bloggers- this is a great way for new blogs and bloggers to be discovered!


Here is what to do:

First, you mention the person who nominated you on your blog and link them. Then, you answer 11 questions by the one who nominated you. You nominate 5-11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers and link them below. Create your own 11 new questions for them to answer, and let the nominees know they’ve been nominated!

A little while ago I received two Liebster nominations from two lovely bloggers: Cate Crafts and Tiny and Toad. They both have a lot of talent and inspiring ideas, so have a look at their blogs! It makes me feel very special to be nominated again and I am very sorry I have taken such a long time to do this.

Thank you for your nomination Cate Crafts and here are my answers (to your very hard questions):

  1. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?


  1. What is your favorite quote?

“Carpe Diem!”

  1. What is your favorite song/band?

Zero 7 …and U2, Foo Fighters, Coldplay, Moby, Air, The Civil Wars, José González, Linkin Park, All Sons and Daughters…and a few more… I enjoy their music equally as much depending how I feel.

4.Who is the person that inspires you most?

A person who is honest, open minded, kind at heart and healthy.

5.If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I wouldn’t change anything, all the good things in me, the annoying things in me and all that lot of imperfect things about me- shaped who I am today.

6.If you could tell your ten years ago self something that you know today what would it be?

Stop stressing and find your inner peace.

7.What is something you do that drives your spouse or friends crazy?

I think my husband doesn’t do well with my disorganisation. To my defence I wouldn’t say I’m disorganised all the time…it’s just not my priority.

  1. What is the best advice you have received?

If you have nothing positive to say, don’t say anything at all.

  1. If someone gave you 1 million dollars what would you do with it?

Put it toward a new house, as close to the country side as possible.

  1. What is your favorite TV show?

My all time favourite is C.S.I (Las Vegas)


Thank you for your nomination Tiny and Toad and here are my answers:

Liebster Award

The Liebster Awards are rewarded to bloggers, from other bloggers with less than 200 followers. When you are nominated, you then nominate 5-11 other bloggers- this is a great way for new blogs and bloggers to be discovered!


This is what you do… (more or less)

First, you mention the person who nominated you on your blog and link them. Then, you answer 11 questions by the one who nominated you. You nominate 5-11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers and link them below. Create your own 11 new questions for them to answer, and let the nominees know they’ve been nominated!

Thank you themoderngirlsguidetobeingsick for my nomination!!! Here are my answers:

  1. Why did you start blogging?

To keep a record of what I get up to and to share craft…and life with others…

  1. What are you most proud of?

Huh..that’s sounds peeersonal…:) Ummmm… I am proud of my peaceful self and my healthy lifestyle.

  1. What’s your favourite animal?

Guinea pigs!!!

  1. What’s your favourite book?

The Bible

  1. What three things could you not live without?

My juicer, crochet hook and my camera.

  1. What food do you dislike the most?

Cheap Polish sausages (it’s possibly the only food I dislike)

  1. What was the first record/cd you bought?

Bon Jovi – Keep the Faith

  1. What is your favourite time of the year and why?

Summer. It’s lovely, bright, hot and there are lots of tasty strawberries and watermelons around!

  1. If you could go back to anytime in history which time period would you choose?

One of the prehistoric ages (maybe the stone age?), when life was nice and simple!

  1. What is your favourite film genre?


11. What do you consider to be the greatest beauty product of all time?

This is a hard one! I am not much into beauty products…unless they are homemade or natural-sorry ..Ummm I can’t quite decide…so I’d say the greatest beauty product ingredient is shea butter :)

I’d like to nominate these amazing blogs:

My Life In Pictures

Blissfully Crafted



Le Petit Chou

Watching The Wheels

My 11 questions for you are:

  1. What’s your perfect way to start a day?

  2. What’s your favourite flower/plant?

  3. What’s your favourite type of tea?

  4. What do you like to do in your free time?

  5. How many people live in your home?

  6. What was the last film you watched at cinema?

  7. Where is you favourite place to be?

  8. What are you most grateful for?

  9. Would you choose a city life or a country life?

  10. Who/ what inspires you?

  11. What cheers you up?

Look forward to your Liebster posts:)

Spending time in nature


The temperature seems to be dropping down everyday and I can feel every degree of it! It almost feels like I can smell Autumn in the air and it feels like it’s just around the corner! …so we ve been taking advantage of the last few days of the summer and still mostly dry weather and we ventured out to a few forests and meadows over the past few days. Being close to nature is wonderful and it stimulates children’s imagination in so many ways. From finding ” a bouncy branch” on an old oak tree, finding slippery slopes to run down or roll down from, to looking out for animal foot prints and collecting different tree leaves. It makes children feel free.

heatherBeautiful heather, that we collected on one of our walks- it brightens up our kitchen windowsill.

…huh…with many outings…my crochet blanket has been growing quite sloooowly…but still growing :)blanket


Birthday Card simple craft for children

Granny’s birthday Part 1.

Upcoming Granny’s birthday is a great opportunity to put little hand and minds to work on some lovely hand crafted gifts. We started with the birthday card.

Zblizajace sie urodziny Babci-Granny sa wspanialym powodem by zajac male raczki i umysly czyms uzytecznym i wykonac mile niespodzianki. Zaczelismy od kartki urodzinowej.


I cut out circles out of a picture that Jonah painted yesterday, he then used glue stick to stick two layers of paper on top of each other and then he had a choice of buttons or sequins to stick in the middle of each flower (He used a stronger glue for the buttons). Then to finish off he used glitter glue. Quick, simple crafts are good for little ones, as soon as Jonah finished his card he was interested in the next “present” that we planned to attempt later on.

Z obrazka ktory Jonah namalowal wczoraj wycielam trzy kolka i przygotowalam rowniez trzy nieco wieksze kolka wyciete z rozowego papieru. Jonah przykleil mniejsze kolka na wieksze i nastepnie dalam mu do wyboru male guziki lub cekiny do ozdobienia srodkow kwiatka. Jonah wybral male guziki ktore przykleil do kwiatkow za pomocom niezastapionego “kleju magicznego” i reszte wykonczyl brokatem w kleju. Proste i szybkie robotki sa swietne dla malych dzieci. Jak tylko Jonah skonczyl robic kartke juz zainteresowany byl kolejnym prezentem z ktorym zaplanowalismy  zmagac sie nieco pozniej.